Tuesday 23 August 2016

the (Short-Staff) Spear

The (Short-Staff) Spear.

This very entry, will attempt to have one, view Africa, and away, from talk, and of what is said Fact, and in said regard too, and to what is said Physical Reality, and if not of the said Physical World, and in said too Measure, or Intervals too that is, and towards now, a said view, and of Africa, and as said even, perceived, and from what too is said in Humour, and if not of what too, is said Comportment in itself that is. That it all, all this said, can too be said even, to speak, and of what is said Perception in itself, and in now too saying that, Perception for many, is believed said even, to very much have a said Time component to it all, and that does too speak, and of what is said Distance, Continuity, Length etc., and in said comparison, and to that said Perception, and that does too refer, and to what too is said Factorisation for instance, and in said speak too, and of what does too serve for in all, and for talk too, and of Symbol in itself that is.

In saying that, talk of what is said Humour or Comportment too, and as said even leading to talk and of what is said Factorisation in itself, and if not of Symbol in itself too, can be said to refer, and to what is said even ancient Symbol in itself that is, is to now and again, associate talk of Africa, or East Africa too, and in said regard to this very Blog, and with talk too, and of those said Curator that is. That in the said attempt here, and in understanding what has just been said, above, is to now too, associate the Curator, and in said Intellect too, and with talk and of what are said even Extremes for instance, and if not of what is said too, Perception in itself, and as said even to refer, and to talk and of the Curator, and in said Impression/Imprint too that is.

That in understanding just who in all, the Curator, and in said Perception, could very well be said to be, is to now simply claim that, talk of what are said Virus, does too define us all, or the Human too, and in talk and of what are said Parts, Sides, and if not Halves too, but that in talk of that more said deadly existence, and of the Bug, Tick and Flea too, it all can be said to now talk of we, or of the said Human too, and in said talk and of what are said Matches, and as said perfect too that is.

In having said the above, is to now too claim that, talk of a said East African civilization, and as said even to exist, and as said centered in all, and in talk of the Curator (Link) that is, can too be said even to refer, and to life and in East Africa, and as said even perceived, and from talk, and of what is said too, Dispute in itself, and if not of it all even said perceived, the Dispute in itself that is, and from talk, and of the said even here, ancient Symbol of the Short-Staff Spear, African, and as said even now, to stand for, or represent for that is, and for what too is said Judgment in itself, and in said speak too now, and for what too does pass for, or serve too for, and for the said even, actual, raising, and of the said Short-Staff African Spear in itself too that is.