Monday 1 August 2016

Media Kijiji

Media Kijiji.

In associating, the very name of Koffi Olomide, and with what one too can term, a Political Statement that is, is to now associate him too, and with talk of the Antic, and in said comparison, and to speak and of the Act in itself that is. In associating him though, and with the Fashion Statement, is to now too, claim his Image, to very much speak too of Burundi, and not the Congo in itself either. 

In speak though, and of what is said Media Kijiji, is to now too, speak and of what is said to constitute, and for speak and of what is said Bisection, Dissection, and if not of Sectioning [Link] in itself too that is, and in said speak too, and of the said imagining of Kijiji, and as it is said to actually be that is.

In all, Media Kijiji, and as said even now, to speak and of the said even imagining, and of what too, can be termed a said Kijiji "Wealth" that is.

Kijiji "Wealth".