Tuesday 28 June 2016


of Hekima.

Biblia ya Ki'Afrika - Brown/Beige.

East African civ.; of manners, customs, &, rites : of boundaries.
Hekima : of Salutations, salutations, [Link].

In the said too that is, perceiving of, referring to, of Hekima, Kisw., and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said East African civ. too that is, [Link], of Africa, of India, of East African Civilization, civilization, [Link], of East African Civ., [Link], now is to and in all, even, perceive, talk too of, and of the said Sun too that is, East African, Kenyan, of Jua Moto, [Link], and if not in its said Image too that is, of Imagingof Jua, Kisw., of Imagery, of Sunlight, or if not and as said too that is, perceived, referenced, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Point too that is, of Points, of the said Polar too that is, of Polarities, the Polarized, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Opposite too that is, of Opposites, of Apposites, of Antipodes, the Antipode, the Apposite, the Pertinent, the Relevant.

of civ.

Monday 27 June 2016

Swahili Sayings

of Ki-Swahili Sayings.


of Methali.

In the said too that is, equating of, referring to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of a said Methali too that is, of Sayings, Quotes, Proverbs, Phrases, Anecdotes etc. too that is, Ki-Swahili, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Frames, Framings too that is, of Positings, [Link], or if not of said Layers, Layerings too that is.

In all and again that is, and on such said Positings too that is, the Positing, talk too now and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Shakespearean too that is, [Link], of England, of the said Musketeer too that is, [Link], of France, of said Positings too that is, of Positionings, of Curves, of Carvings, [Link], or if not in a said too that is, referral to, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Africa, India too that is, of Relatedness, of Mombasa, [Link], Goa, of Linkings, of Oman, Muscat, [Link], of East Africa, Kenya, the Sudan.

In the said too that is, referring to, and to a said World today too that is, the World, and as in all said too that us, perceived, Ruled over, Mediated upon, and by many a said force too that is, "force", or if not and as said too that is, perceived, bestly, comprehended, understood, or if not in talk too and of, and of the said Immediate too that is, the Non-Immediate, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to talk too and of, and of such said Positings too that is, the Posited, or if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to talk too and of, of the said Array, Column too that is, [Link], of Arrays, Columns, of Serials, Series, of Sequencings, Sequences.


to Posit.

Saturday 25 June 2016

Investments Africa

of Investments Africa.

When we do in all talk of, and of what is and in all, said as of an Investment that is, we must too, separate it all, and from talk too of, and of what Development, is actually said to be. For while Development, could too be said to deal, and with talk to of, and of what Security concerns in all, are too said to be, is to now claim that, what they do term as an Investment, could too be as said to in all, even, refer and to, and to what Opportunity in itself, is in all even said to be all about, and if not of it all too, as said even to refer to, and to talk too of, and of said Time in itself, and as best said probably even, as of said Consciousness in itself too that is, or if not of the said Conscientious in itself too that is, of Time, of Conscience, of Matter, of Physics, of History, [Link].

That in saying that, talk of Development in Africa, does too concentrate alot, and on what Family Development, is too said to be all about, is to now claim that, talk of Investment, can too be said to refer, and to talk too and of what Family Systems, are too said even all about, and as said too now, to refer, and to the said even, Clientele/Client Model of management too that is. In now and again, simply stating that, Investment, does too talk, and of what Opportunity in itself, is too actually said to be, is to now simply state that, Investment, and as said now to speak, and of Kenya, can too be said even, to refer, and to what a Capital Group, is said even all about that is. That in speak now, and of East Africa, and in Investment too, probable talk now, and of the said Equity Firm that is, but in talk and of East Africa, and as said too simply perceived said African that is, and away too, and from said even Swahili origins that is, is to now associate talk and of Family Systems in East Africa, and with talk too, and of said Investment Funds that is.

In now too claiming that, Capital Groups and in Africa, do often tend to be said British, while talk of Equity Firms, can too be said even Chinese, is to now too claim that, said Chinese Investments in Africa, are too best said even Investment Funds, and probably should in all even best be said Indian that is. That the Equity Firm, and as probably said too Chinese, could in all even be said, to help those in East Africa, to in all even now, secure a said Future to them, and that does too speak and of what the said term and of Inheritance for instance, is said even all about, is to now and again though, present a said here, differing Model of Investment, and that does too talk, and of what an Investment Group, is actually said to be. That the Investment Group, can too be said even to operate, and around said talk, and of what too, Kinship Systems, are said to be, and in now too claiming that, Kinship Systems, do too and in all, talk, and of the very manner in all, Egyptian Civilization, does too arise, and in said talk too, and of what the Egyptian Mystery Schools, were in all even said even all about that is. That Kinship Systems, now too do refer, and to talk too, and of what a said East African civilization that is, could too be said even, to be said even all about that is, and in now too probably saying that, an Investment Group, does not actually base its said existence, and in talk and of what a Report is actually said to be, but instead, is said even truly grounded, and in talk, and of what Findings, are in all even said all about that is. That Findings, do now talk, and of the very manner in all, any said esteemable African Family or Group, should in all even truly seek to present itself that is.

On Development.


1. Made in Africa: Learning to Compete in Industry by Carol Newman

2. The Possessive Investment in Whiteness by George Lipsitz

3. African Families in a Global Context by Goran Therbon

4. The Ancient Egyptian Family by Troy D. Allen

Ebru TV

Ebru TV.

Ebru TV Kenya


Friday 24 June 2016

the Default

The African Default.

When we do here talk, and of what is said to refer, and to the Default, we can too best say it all, to in all even speak, and of what is said Ancestral that is.

In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Default too that is, African, East African, the Swahili, of East Africa, Kenya, of Oman, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to the said Comoros too that is, [Link], the Swahili coastline, the Comoro Islands, the Indian Ocean, of India, or if not in talk too of, and of said Mombasa too that is, the Swahili Coast, Setting, Traditional, of said Dar-es-salaam too that is, the Swahili world, Setting, Modern, of said Zanzibar too that is, the Swahili Islands, Setting, Physical, or if not of said Mauritius too that is, the Swahili lands, Setting, Political.

In however saying that, the Default, does too speak, and of what is said to refer, and to the said Norm too that is, Political, African, the Normalized, or if not in said speak too of, and of any said thought or feeling held, is to now too talk of it all, and from the said even perspective, and of a said Default View, and if not of a said Default Perspective too that is. That in talk of a said Default View, and of East Africa, and if not of Africa too, speak now and of Africa, and as said even perceived, and from the said direction, and of the Comoros, the Seychelles, or if not of Madagascar too that is. In speak of a said Default Perspective though, and of East Africa, speak now too, and of Lake Tanganyika in itself too that is.

Political Studies

of Political Studies.

In saying that, Political Studies, can too best be said probably perceived, and from talk and of what Measures/Gauges, are in all even said to be, is to now too claim that, Africa, is in many a way, said even, defined in all, and by talk, and of Political Science in itself that is. In however now too saying that, Politics, and in the East Africa region, can too be said even, said too perceived that is, and from talk specifically, and of what Demographic is said to be, is to now too claim that, East African Politics, and as said too Kenyan that is, can too be simply said even to speak, and of Cultural Politics that is.

In now too saying that, Politics, and as said too Worldly, and if not Historical, can too be perceived, and from talk, and of what too, Political Moves, or speak too, and of said Political Standoffs that is, are in all even said all about, is to now too, ground such said Politics, and in talk and of what Expectation, Potency, Promise, Advantage, Condition etc, are in all even said to be that is. That in speak and of Africa, and as perceived from Politics, and as simply said just above, is to now too, talk of it all even said to speak, and of the English-speaking World, the Western World, the White World, and if not in speak too and of the European World that is. That in saying that, Pan-Africanism, did in all even define itself, and in talk of Politics, and that could too be said to have referred, and to talk of the White World that is, it can too be said here that, in said regard and to talk of East Africa, and in said speak and of such said Politics, said Worldly too, is to now too say that, it all can be said to speak, and of the English-speaking World that is.

Tuesday 21 June 2016


of Coherency.

It can be said, that the World today, can in all even be said driven, and by speak, and of Media in itself, and as said even now to refer, and to what too, Mediacentrism, is said even all about. That the World today, can too, be said even dominated that is, and by a said Psychology, and that does too speak, and of what Disassociation is said even all about, or of the said inability, to call white, white, or black, black, and if not in said speak too now that is, and of a said Shattered or Splintered Self, or of the inability, to in all even see the Whole, and if not and again, and of what some do term a Haunted Self, and of what too, does pass for speak and of Discrepancy, or of the Disparate too that is.

In talk too of, and of said Coherency too that is, of Coherence, "the Keys to/of Survival", the Coherent, or if not in talk too of, and of said Science too that is, of Science, of Sciences, the Scientific, now is to and in all, even, perceive, talk too of, and of the said Knowing too that is, of Knowingof Psychology, of Knowledge, the Knowable, or if not as said Referenced too that is, of References, of Reference, of Referral, or if not in a said regard to, and to the said One-thing too that is, the Something, the Nothing, the Everything, or if not of the said Anything too that is, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Mythic too that is, of Mythism, of Mythof Clarity, of Mythology, or if not as said Perceived too that is, of Perceptions, of Perception, the Perceptible, and of what could too be as said of, and of the said Distinguished too that is, of Singularity, of Particularities, of Individuality, of Distinction, or if not of the said Unique too that is.

That in understanding, the World we do live in today, is to now too, speak, and of what Confusion, and if not Distortion too, are in all even said to be, and as said even to refer, and to the said search for Clarity that is. That the World we do live in today, can be said, to have come about, and in said speak too of recent events that is, and from said speak too, and of what the Antecedent, and Precedent too, are in all even said to be. That in talk of Precedent, speak now and of the World today, and as said even defined as such, and via speak, and of what one too can term Empire, and as said even to speak, and of it said even, American, Dutch, French and English/British too that is. That in talk, and of the very said best of manners now, and in perceiving Africa today, speak now and of said Antecedents, and of it said even, American, Boer, and if not Australian or Victorian too. 

That the World, and as it is today, and as said even defined and by talk of Media, is to now and again, simply claim that, what does in all even lay, and at the said heart and of Medicentrism, can too be said even, to speak, and of what Underpinnings are said to be, Undercurrents too, and if not of said Antecedents too that is. That in talk now, and of Underpinnings, perhaps the said grounding in all, and of said Identity, and in Africa, and in said talk too of Egypt that is, and as said even to refer, and to what the said 'Keys to/of Survival', are in all even said to be, and as said even to fartherly refer, and to talk too, and of what Expression in itself, is said even all about. That the said finding of oneself, and in Expression in itself, can too be said even, to speak, and of what the Sole, the Solitary, Solitude, and if not Solace, are in all even said to be, and as said even now to refer, and to what Survival in itself too, is actually said even all about.

That in speak now though, and of Undercurrents, of Under-Currents, of Currents, the Currently, speak now and again, and of what too trends or trending, is said even to be, and in now claiming that, Survival in Africa, probably does in all even speak more or less, and of Undercurrents that is, of Under-Currents, the Under-Current, and as said even to refer, and to talk too, and of what Ori in itself, of Ori, of Ciphers, of Odu, Odu Ifa, of Codes, Crypts, of Ifa, the Cryptic, is and in all, even, or is too said, or is and in all actually said to be all about that is.

Saturday 18 June 2016


of Amphibians.

In the said too that is, equating of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Reptile too that is, the Reptilian, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Evolution too that is, the Evolutionary, the Evolutional, now is to and in all, even, equate, talk too of, and of the said Amphibian too that is, of Amphibians, of Verterbrates, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Devolution too that is, of Limits, of Devolution(s), of Limitations, of Africa, of India; of Revolution(s), of Pre-Disposition(s), the Pre-Disposed, the Pre-Disposeable.

Amphibians of East Africa.


of African Translations.

Colonial East Africa.
East Africa: Present Day -

It can be said, that Africa, and in said speak too, and of its said Multitude of problems, can too be said perceived, and in speak too, and of what Interpretation is actually said to be. That Interpretation, can too be said, to refer, and to speak and of what a "Name" is, or is said to be, and if not of what too, a Reference in itself, is actually said all about that is.

In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Lining too that is, of Linings, of Liners, or if not of the said Line too, of Lines, of Liners, now is to and in all, even, perceive, of Translations, the Translative, talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said KNY too that is, of KNY, [Link], of Kenya, East Africa, or if not in a said referral to, or in regard to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Irresponsive too that is, of Irresponsivity, of Responsivity, or if not of the said Irresponsible too that is, of Irresponsibility, of Responsibility.

That it too can be said, that speak of Africa, and of its said Multitude of problems, can too be said even perceived, and from talk, and of what Translation, is in all even said all about. That Translation, is often equated, and to talk, and of what a said grounding that is, and if not foundation too, are in all even said to be, and in said reference now, and to what Perception in itself, is said even to refer to that is. That Translation, can too be said here, and to refer, and to what a Basis, is in all even said to be, and as said even to refer, and in said Perception that is, and to talk too, and of what a Base, or, of what a Basis, are in all even said all about that is.

That it can too be said, that any said entry, and in this said Blog, can too be said, a Basis in itself that is, or of what too, is said Factual that is, and from which, it can too be adjudged, what is believed said, to in all even represent, and for a said Whole, and in said regard, and to speak too, and of what does constitute, and for what too is said Reality, and as said even now, to speak, and of what a said Picture, and of Reality, is said even all about. That in speak now, and of what is said Basis, and of Reality, and as said even constructed, and in speak and of the Base, and of the Basics too, it all too can now be said, to lead, and to what too for instance, Catechism (Link), is in all even said to be, and if not in speak too now, and of what Prime Factors, are said even all about, and as said even leading, and to talk, and of what a Computer Programming Language (Link) that is, is too said even all about.

In having said the above, is to now claim that, talk of a said East African civilization, or talk too, and of what Civilization in itself, is actually said to entail, does in all even refer, and to speak, and of the very said term, and of Contact that is. That what is actually been said here is that, all said Human relations, should in all even be truly said defined, and by talk, and of what Contact, of Existence, the Existent, is actually said to be, and in said comparison, and to speak and of society, or societies, today, and as said even truly defined in all, and by speak, and of what a Connection, of Bearings, or of what is said to speak and of the Connect that is, of Touch, are in all even actually said to be, and as said even now referring, and to what an Incident in itself that is, is and in all even said all about that is.

of African Contact.

Friday 17 June 2016

the Spiritualist

the African Spiritualist.

It can be said, that African History, can too best be said, perceived, and from speak, and of what Journalism is. That Journalism, is often too, simply said even, a Field of Study that is, and one too, and that does in all even encompass, talk, and of Research in itself, and as said even to refer, and to Research, and as said too a Field of endeavour in itself that is. That Journalistic writings can too be said classified, and as said even Research that is, but that in all again, all this said, and as referring, and to speak and of the very manner in all, Africa today, is believed said even to Develop, and alongside speak too, and of what does too pass for African Development Ideologies in themselves that is.

That in saying that, this Blog, and many another by the Blogger, and on East Africa, does in all even attempt to present Africa, or East Africa truly, and from speak and of the said role too, and of the Curator that is, and of the Museum and as said even representing Africa, and in speak and of Endeavour in itself too, is to now claim that, there does exist, a said here, third Africa, and which can too be said to refer, and to speak, and of the African Spiritualist that is. An Africa too, now said even to very much tackle, the very said problem, and of Diversity in Africa, and if not of said African Identity too, and as said now too Biological that is, and in speak too, and of what Bio-Diversity in itself is said all about, and in now saying that, it all does too speak and of Africa, said even truly perceived, and as said even Chaos in itself, and if not of the said grounding and of African Spirituality that is, and in speak too, and of Bio-Diversity in itself that is.

Thursday 16 June 2016

East African Civ.

of East African Civ.

The very said term of Civ., can too be said to speak, and of what too is said media, and as said even, religious that is. That this very said entry, and on a said East African Civ., can too be said now, to refer, and to what too, is believed said to speak of, and of Structure in itself that is. That Africa, is often believed said having to it, said even now, poor Structure that is, and in now not only claiming, that many of a said Structure in Africa, is too said even here, to speak and of what some have termed, the Nile Valley Civilization, and if not of the very name too, and of Ta-seti too for instance, but that in all again, the Church in East Africa, is too believed simply said to exist, and as said too a Structure, and that some do simply term, Kanisa that is.

That this very Blog, and many another by the Blogger, and on East Africa too, can too be said structured, and in talk and of what some do term Oriki (Link) that is, and in now claiming that, Africa, is believed said to possess to it, many a said even, interesting, or said even, peculiar, Shape, or Design, and to it all too that is.

In having said the above though, is to now revert, and to talk, and of what Civ., can actually be said to mean, or stand for, and in now equating it all, and in said speak here of East Africa too, and with talk, and of what too is said Fair, Unfair, and if not of the Not Fair too that is.

In having said all this, the above just said that is, now is to refer, and to talk too, and of Judgment, and in regard to all this said, and as said even to speak, and of what Favour, is actually said to be, and if not of what Fault, is said even all about that is. That in speak of Favour, and as said even to cross, talk of Judgment, or of what too a Summary can to be said to be for instance, is to now and in all attempt, to in all even correlate such said talk, and with it said even now, to refer, and to talk too of Religion in Canada, and if not of the said Faculty of Religious Studies, and at the said University of Ottawa too that is. That in speak of what is said Fault, and as said even to refer, and to speak of Judgment, speak too now, and of Favour in itself that is, and as said even Antecedent, but in speak of Fault in itself, speak now and of what is said Precedent, and of the very said role, that the region of the Persian Gulf, can too play, and in actually helping make, a said here, East African civilization that is, very much in all, come to be that is.

Monday 13 June 2016

"On Judgment"

"On Judgment".

The said purpose, and of this very entry, is to in all even attempt, to in all even fully, make a said case, and for the said existence, and for a said East African civilization that is. That the stated case, might be said too, simple to explain in its ways, and by simply been aware, and of one said simple 'rule' : that Judgement awaits all.

That this said case, could too be said to speak, and of East Africa, and as said even civilization, and along the lines, and of what Non-Orthodox Christianity, is actually said even all about, and in now too simply claiming it, to be said even to speak, and of what Celebration in itself, is actually said to be, and if not of Man, and as said even defined, and in speak of the form, the shape, and if not of the feature too.

That Judgment in itself, can too be said here, perceived, and from speak and of the Evolutionary, and as said now to refer, and to what, Conception, and if not Inception, are in all even said all about that is. That it all too leads, to talk, and of what Ceremony in itself, is actually said to be, and if not of what Accumulation, is said to stand for, and in said speak too now, and of ones said perceptions too, and of variance, and if not of life, and as said even to speak, and of the some, and of the many too.

In many a way, all the above said, now is too said, to refer, and to talk and of what Orthodoxy, or Orthodox Christianity too, is said even to be, and as said even to refer, and to speak too, and of 'Judgment day' scenarios in themselves that is.


Friday 3 June 2016

the Stain

The African Stain.

This very entry, can too be said even, to speak, and of what too, it does mean, to be said even, truly Human that is, and in said regard too, and to what does in all even pass for, or serve for, Motive in itself that is. That Motive, is believed said even, a far more powerful word and in its ways too, and in said comparison and to speak of Ambition, Interests, or even Instinct too that is, for it too is believed a word, Motive that is, and that does truly explain, simply how and in all again, the said Idea or even Concept too, and being Human that is, did in all even come to be. That in speak too now, and of what it does too mean, to be said truly Human, speak of it all even, and as said now referencing that is, the said Blogs, and of 'Nairo' (Link), and of Media Africa (Link) too, and which would in all even say or claim too, that speak of being Human, does now too equate, and to speak and of what Poetry in itself, and if not Prayer too, are said to be, and if not of what Poetic Expression, or speak too and of a said even Poetic Stance, are in all even said all about that is.

That in speak too now, and of the Blogs Counter 'Nairo' (Link), and Trackers (Link) too, the very idea, and of one and as said being Human, and as said too, fully or truly too, can to be said even equated, and to speak too, and of what some have termed, 'the Pathology of Disease' that is. That the Disease said here, taken into consideration that is, are those too said Tropical, but can too be simply said even to speak, and of Disease, best perceived and as said even to refer, and to speak of Cholera, and if not those said Malarial too. That these said Disease, said even Cholera, and if not Malarial too, are believed said even of interest that is, and in said regard, and to what too, does pass for African Spirituality that is. Spirituality too, now best even said perceived Egyptian that is, and in saying that, they are both said Disease, and that do truly in all, impact one, and in speak and of what Imagination in itself, is said to be, and if not of what Response in itself (Link), is said even all about. That it is the said Egyptian tradition, and of Spirituality, and simply where and in all again, Disease, can too be said even equated, and to speak and of Imagination in itself, and in the said overcoming of such said Disease too, best said here too Cholera that is, and such that, it does too speak and of Imagination, and that does in all even speak too, and of simply what and in all again, can too be said to speak, and of Coping, Support and Feedback (Bodily) Mechanisms that is. That in speak and of those Diseases said Malarial, speak now and of God too, and as said even perceived, and from speak and of what Response in itself, is actually said all about, and in said speak too now, and of those too said even, to have a said even full Realization, and on many a said thing too that is.

In speak though, and of this very Blog of Anti 'Nairo', speak too now, and of the Human, and as said even merely described, and as simply said even, Cowardly (Link) that is. The very said belief that, the Human, is too simply believed even, driven, and by speak too and of what Fear in itself, is actually said to be, but that in all again, such said Fear, can too probably be best said perceived or interpreted, and in speak, and of what a Stain, of Marks, Stains, is actually said to be. That in speak and of what is actually said a Stain, it all too can now be said even equated, and to speak too and of what Evolutionary Biology, is said even all about, and in now equating all such talks of Humans, and of the Stain too, and to the very said world of talk, and of what Original Sin for instance, is said to be, and if not of what too is said to speak, and of "Mummies" in Egypt, of blood, Egyptian, and if not of Mummification too, of Immortality, and if not of what too, a Sarcophagus, of Egyptian blood, of Mortality, is in all even said to be all about that is. That it all too, speak of Stains that is, is said even defining of one, and in said speak too, and of what Catechism for instance, is said even all about, speak too and of what too, Mediacentrism, is said too all about, and if not of what the said Polemics of Possession that is, can too be said even to refer to, but in said speak too now, and of the said full attempt, and in truly finding out what a Stain, is in all even actually said to be, and of one too, and as said even probably blinded, and to what too does too speak, and of Opportunity in itself, it all too can be said to speak and of life and as said even probably perceived, and from speak and of what the Final Rest, is actually said to be, and as probably said even to fartherly refer, and to what too, Wasted Time, Wasted Opportunity, and if not of what Wasted Effort too, are too said even now, said all about that is.