of civ.

of civ.

Of said civ. that is, of East Africa, of said Kiswahili too that is, Kisw., of Hekima, of East Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, of Africa, of India, the Indian Ocean, of said perceptions too that is, of Civilization, in/of History, of civilization, of institution, or if not in talk too of, of Ki-Swahili, History, Politics, Lugha, Language, and of what can and in all, of Ki-Kongo, the Congo, of Ki-Ingereza, of Kenya, be as said of, of Trackings, of Tracings, the Current, the Present, the Existing, and of the said following too:

1. of Misemo, Sayings, [Link], [Link], of Kilwa, ---, of Egypt.

2. of Katekismu, [Link], Obi, [Link], of Pemba, ---, of Byzantium, [Link].

3. of Masomo, Amir Hamza, [Link], of Mombasa, [Link], of Iraq, [Link], ---, of Phoenicia.

4. of U-Kanisa, Katoliki, [Link], Kisima, [Link], of East Africa, ---, of Palestine.

**In talk too of, and of the said Church too that is, [Link], History, Politics, of Africa, of Italy, is to now, and in all, even, differentiate it all, and from talk too of, and of said Phoenicia too that is, [Link], History, Politics, the Near East, for the said latter, does too speak of, and of said Templars too that is, of Cathedrals, Basillicas, Martyriums etc., of Christianity, and in the now saying that, the Church, often as said perceived, Roman, and in its said origins too that is, falsely, is too now and in all, even, believed, as said as having to it all, said, even, unknown, or if not of said, secret, secretive, origins too that is. 

***In all and again that is, in talk of the Church, of U-Kanisa, Kisw., the African Church, talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Modern Civilization too that is, of Ethiopia, [Link], Modern, or if not of said Swahili civilization, [Link], of Zanzibar, [Link], the Swahili lands, and if not in its said Levellings too that is.

5. of Hesabu, [Link], of East Africa, Kenya, ---, of Roman Africa.


"Allan of Africa".