Wednesday 11 May 2016


of Feelings.

When we do talk of Feelings, we must in all even, learn, and to truly differentiate them, Feelings that is, and from what too is said to speak of Emotions, or of Sensations too. For Feelings, do in all even refer, and to speak and of Mental Health for instance, and if not of Mental States, while Emotions, can be said to obviously refer, and to speak and of Emotional Health, and with Sensations, now said even to speak, and of Physical Health in itself that is.

That it is in talk of Feelings, and by which, or whereby, one does now, truly understand, the said Contents, and of this very Blog. That the said validity of anything said in this very Blog, can only be truly adjudged, and not in speak of Intellect truly, but in speak of Feelings, and of what they do too, Feelings that is, do entail in all. That Feelings, and as said even to speak and of Mental States, now do too refer, and to the very manner in all, we do in all even judge, the said validity for instance, and of any Image, or Picture too, simply said imagined, or conjured up, and in our very Minds too that is. That the said debate, and of what too, does pass for Inspiration, or of Aspiration in iutself, can too be said to refer, and to what Awareness in itself, is said to be, but what we are trying to get at here, is that, most are believed said even, not in touch, and with their said even, true Feelings that is, and of themselves, and if not of life too, and in simply now, attempting to in all even, center, speak of Feelings, and with those Feelings too, and that do to refer, and to speak, and of what Sleep, or Sleepiness in itself, is said even all about. However, what we can too say is that, Feelings, are not to be in all even, acquainted in all, and with talk truly of Quantification, or of what is said to refer, and to the Measurable that is, but do in all even truly, Feelings that is, speak and of what Dosage, or speak truly and of what is too said, a Dose that is, and in now associating all this said, and with the said Swahili term, and of Kupima, or Pima too that is.

That what in all, is been asked of the said readers of this Blog, and in the said understanding of all its Contents, and in speak too and of what is said Valid, and as said too Consensus that is, is to in all even now, ask of of one, to in all even too, define themselves truly, and in speak and of what Kupima, or Pima too, is said even all about, and in now truly claiming that, it is ones Feelings, and on just about anything, and that will too, come to truly define one in life, and in said comparison, and to speak and of Intellect in itself, or of Intelligence in itself too that is.