Wednesday 8 February 2017

African Ritualism

of African Ritualism.

When we do here refer, and to what is said African Ritualism, and if not of what is said Ritualism too, we can too now be said to in all very much take the approach, and of what too is said to speak, and of what is said Humanness that is. That what is said Ritual, can too now be said to speak and of what is said Affirmation in itself, but of Ritualism, we can too now be said to in all probably speak, and of what is said Confirmation in itself that is. 

In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Archetype too that is, of Archetypes, Trickster, Fool, Hero, or if not of the said Shadow too that is, the Shadow Archetype, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Spine too that is, the Spiny, the Spinal, or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Ritualism too that is, of Personification, -->, the Clarific, the Pyramidic. 

Of the said Clarific too that is, of Lengths, Margins, of Elbows, the Knees, or if not, of Heights, Margins, of Shoulders, the Waist, or if not in talk too of, of Clarityof Reflection, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Object too that is, of Objects, the Personific, or if not of the said Product too that is, of Products, the Ritualistic.

In all and again that is, talk too of, and of the said Head too that is, of Kichwa, Kisw., [Link], of the said Mind too that is, African, of Akili, Kisw., [Link], or if not of the said Body too that is, of Mwili, Kisw., [Link], or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, the Fore, the Back, the Middling, the Siding, and to what can and in all, the Ritualized, the Personified, the Clarified, the self, be as said of, and of a said Item too that is, of Items, the Itemistic, the Itemized.

That in too saying that, Ritualism, can too be said to refer and to what is said Symbolism, we can too now and in all probably or possible, associate talk and of Ritualism and as such, and with speak and of Fire and in said Symbolism, and as said too now, and to speak, and of what a Lantern, is in all even said all about that is. That Ritualism, is to now believed said to speak, and of the said even search and for Clarity in itself that is, but Clarity too, and that would too speak and of what Petroglyphs are in all even said to be that is, but that in all again, and in said regard to what is said Humanness, Ritualism, can too be said and to in all speak and of Human Behaviour, and as said too now perceived only, or as said grounded in all, and in speak, and of what is said Clarification in itself too that is. That in all, Ritualism, is too said to call upon one, and to in all even view oneself and in speak and of what is said Reflective, and of the very manner in all, we do too Reflect, and on just about anything that is, and if not of what is said Reflection in itself, and as said too Human Memory in itself too that is.

In too now acquainting what can be said termed Systems [Link], and if not as said to speak and of what are said Simple Systems that is, and with speak and of Ritualism too, we can too now be said to in all even give Ritualism and in Africa, a said Existence, and that would to be said to speak, and of the said even existence and of African Nuns [Link] for instance, and in now too associating talk of Ritualism, and with the very said term too, and of Personification in itself that is.

In many a way, African Ritualism, now too said and to in all even speak and of the following, and in said Personification too that is.

1. African Masks

2. African Artefacts

3. African Items

4. African Collectibles

5. African Relics
