
of Doubles.

While growing up, and when we did and in all, even, ponder, talk, and of said life too that is, the very said element that is, and of the said Memorable too, could have and in all, been have said as, to in all, even, pop up, and if not, in our said, realizing, that it all had to do, and with talk too of, and of the said Question too that is, verily, and of what could and in all, been as said of, and of the very said self too that is, and if not and as said as Kenyan, truly, or fully too that is. The we here though, did and in all, even, speak of, and of those who we did and in all, even, grow up with, or in all too, meet, and along the way, on the said sides too, and if not in our said too that is, realizing, and while growing up, in Africa, East Africa, Kenya to be exact, and that we were and in all, said as to ponder, talk too of, and of what would have in all, been as said of, and of said Cool too for instance.

In all, and admidst talk too of, and of said Kenyan Habits too for instance, of Conformity, the Routinistic, of Fish & Chips, of Western Television, of American Magazines, of Kenyan Media, of African News, of Kenyan Mahindra Police Jeeps, of Kinyanjui, of Indian Cinema, of African, East African - Kenyan Idioticy, Ujinga, Kisw., of Swahili, Omani Perversion etc. that is, we could have and in all, for those who did and in all, even, care for, and for their said Status too that is, and in society, ponder, or in all arrive at, and at the very said term too, and of said Detection too that is, and as in all said as, definitive, and of our very said Behaviour too that is, something and in all, disturbingly, any said self-respecting Church too that is, Local, Kenyan, East African, would and in all, even, have pointed out, and if not in a said too that is, regard to, and to what would and in all, been as said of, and of the very said Issue or Matter too that is, and of the very said Question of Cool too for instance.

In all and again, it could very well have been said of, and of such said Ponderance that is, to and to in all, even, lead to, and to what could and in all, been said of, and of the said Double too that is, of Clarity, the Two-fold, and if not and as said, as, perceived, and if not in talk too of, and of the said even now Obverse too that is.

Of the said Double that is, the Single, (Motivator), and if not and as said, now, perceived, presented, and if not in talk too of, and of the said below too that is:

the Double, of Africa, of India, (Indicator), the Voice, (Pause), -->, the Duplex.
the Double, the Jointed, (List), -->, the Aligned, (Interval), the self.
the Double, -->, the Detectable, (Mark).

the Duplex, -->, the Switch, -->, the Key, the Inter-changing, 

the Key, the self, -->, the Intermediate, the Intermediary, -->, the Perceptory, the Sensory, -->, the Double Sense, the Current, the Double Meaning, -->, of Linearity, the Linear, of Linearism, -->, of Excitation.

the Current, -->, the self, (Arrival), -->, the Abstract Object,

the Abstract Object, -->, of Perfection, of Limitation, of Intention, of Imperfection.

the Current.